Recent Posts and Musings

Relevance … and adverts coming back at you!

Just finished reading about where Twitter seems to be heading over the next while and where it feels are the next opportunities that will involve its platform. One of these focuses around Second Screen which is the use of another monitor like a tablet or smartphone...

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Taking innovation to new heights

What caught my interest in a recent article was the innovative use of plastic for fuel. On its own I thought this was quite innovative but when I read further I learnt it was to be used as aviation fuel, which took it up a few innovative notches. The person featured...

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Turning ‘i don’t know’ into a positive

I recently phoned one of the Australian big banks to enquire on some details regards my account. The person I was speaking to was pleasant but presented a less than confident image. How so? I asked a question to which she did not know the answer - her response was 'I...

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Experience meets creative genius

I recently watched a TED talk by David Kelley (of IDEO) on ‘how to build your creative confidence’ ( One of the stories David shared was of Doug Detz. Doug designs large medical imaging equipment including MRI machines and...

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Basking in the British sun

In the classic Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds there are the following narrated words by Richard Burton Interspersed amongst the song “Forever Autumn”. “As I hastened through Covent Garden, Blackfriars and Billingsgate, more and more people...

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An ambience to energise creative thinking

It seems that research and innovative ideas are being developed around the association between the ambiance of an environment and creative thinking. A blog on the 'New and Improved' website talks about how coffee shops provide just the right noise, atmosphere and...

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Trend watching and consumer behaviour

Trend watching and consumer behaviour If you are interesting in trend watching and in getting an idea of what is in vogue, in fashion, falling out of fashion and other trend related activities try visiting This website currently...

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Breakfast innovation

I spoke at the City Business SWAP (breakfast business networking and motivational meeting) last Thursday on innovative thinking. Discussing what i believed to be the difference between creative and innovative thinking and how the Creative Thinking Sandpit could be...

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Early morning productivity

I just finished reading this article on Easy to Rise ( after it was recommended by Peter Crocker who is a member of  the Flying Solo community ( It was a great reminder...

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A innovative take on hands free

When I first heard about the following innovative product I visualised all those times when I'd seen people get off the plane, head to the luggage carousel and pick up their luggage. Adding this to their carry-on items would invariably involve slinging at least one...

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A long way down

When I saw Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner jump from beneath his balloon part of me wanted to have a go. How amazing would that be? I've jumped from planes but that was from 12,000 feet and not from something like 120,000 feet (24 miles or almost 40kms)....

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Perspectives on Interpretation

I came across the following quote a few days ago: Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt Whilst I do not agree with the implied assumptions within this quote the distinction between different focus areas,...

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