Recent Posts and Musings

Human imperfection (?)

Human imperfection (?)

Our imperfections are qualities and characteristics of what make us human. They provide the oddities that excite and enrich the flavour of our perspectives, they introduce novelty and personality. Any yet imperfections are often shunted. A brilliant piece of furniture...

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Gifts within the unseen

Gifts within the unseen

The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses between the notes - ah, that is where the art resides. so wrote the Austrian pianist Artur Schnabel. Shiny objects and unseen gifts It is often the dominant and easily noticed items that capture our...

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Music as a mentor

Music as a mentor

Music as a mentor In amongst the suite of opportunities to help better our performance are the services of a mentor and coach. People who are wise in process more so than in content, and who help guide, reflect and share lessons to focus and accelerate our learning....

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The stories we live by

The stories we live by

The often entertaining, enlightening and enriching world of stories. We love to be part of them. We love to hear and share them. And we learn through them. Whether in prose, song, poetry, fine art or dance their variety of form helps ensure there is a taste for all of...

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Yes but! … can get a bad rap!

Yes but! … can get a bad rap!

Next time you're in a meeting or within a conversation listen to how many times 'yes but' is used. It will typically be the context of a person 'agreeing' with part of what has just been said whilst then putting forward an alternative perspective. As examples: That's...

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The Game is on … we can’t not play the game

The Game is on … we can’t not play the game

Change, change everwhere is change Yes, the world is in a constant state of change ... something it's being experiencing since it started hanging out in that big blackness we call space. Even the rate at which the earth spins on its axis has been changing, so that...

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A pirate adventure to discover human treasure

A pirate adventure to discover human treasure

The essential elements of any good pirate story include a ship, one-eyed pirate, wooden leg, marauding crew, squawking parrot, buried treasure and a map. Using the map, the pirates set out to find the buried treasure which more often than not is buried on some...

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Standing out … and shining out

Standing out … and shining out

In my last post I shared some perspectives on the challenge of positioning, on getting noticed and standing out within a world where so many new things are coming into existence and where so much noise is calling on our attention. One of the perspectives I shared was...

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Focus on projects that matter

Focus on projects that matter

Focus on projects that matter. This was a key learning I gained after reading a great book by Peter Cook titled "The new rules of management". Some of the key take outs from this book included: Get implementing - the best ideas, projects and intentions are...

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Catch and celebrate … 7 ways to help bring a smile to others

Catch and celebrate … 7 ways to help bring a smile to others

This post focuses on the uplifting affect and effect of compliments. I used the title of ‘catch and celebrate’ as this practice requires a desire and some work on our part to actually notice what we might compliment and to then celebrate the same. As to how many...

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Within diversity we find unity

Within diversity we find unity

Letting go can be a tough gig. Whether it’s overcoming a habit, deciding to turn away from the expectations of others by choosing a path which is true to you, or being pragmatic in calling time on an idea that just isn't working despite the hit inflicted on our ego....

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Do not treat customers the way you want to be treated

Do not treat customers the way you want to be treated

The above statement challenges the commonly used motto “Treat people the way you want to be treated”. Within a customer service context this is often altered to the phrase of ‘Treat customers the way you want to be treated’. A key problem with using these mottos is...

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