A few quotes relating to learning

The following are a few quotes which i believe capture the essence of learning. The music in my heart I bore long after it was heard no more. -William Wordsworth The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity. ~Robert Brault I cannot...

Voices In Interpretation Series

Listen to John’s thoughts on Interpretation as part of the Voices in Interpretation series. This was filmed up in Townsville at the 2010 National Association for Interpretation Conference (apologies that there is a bit of background noise making it a wee bit hard to...

Generating and executing ideas

Have just read the following from Hank Williams. http://whydoeseverythingsuck.com/2008/10/what-is-idea-worth.html He talks about the difference between idea generation and execution which makes a lot of sense and compliments the process for problem solving in which we...

Musings on Learning

I’ve always believed that a key aim for learning a skill is for the learner to not just increase their knowledge of that subject area but truly engage with it. For example, if a person is learning music they can increase their knowlege with regards how to read...

Some interesting readings

Zig and zagging and finding your zing … well thereabouts anyways – interesting read – http://www.brandfactory.com.au/blog/Its-OK-to-Zag http://www.socialintelligencelab.com/social-intelligence.html