I just came across this article from Dynamic Business titled Repair Cafes lead change to throwaway culture. The articles reports on the work of people who have taken to repairing items that might have been destined for waste. As they say in the article there is a ‘growing popularity of ‘repair cafes’ which encourages a circular economy around fixing, reusing and recycling household items’.
I loved reading about the repair cafes because it is something we can do in our everyday lives. By applying some thoughtful activity to what it is that is ‘broken’ we can find ways to fix and mend and by so doing ignites it’s value once more. I am one of those individuals who loves the challenge of ‘trying to work things out’ or ‘how to reuse everyday items’. My latest project involved reusing all the hardwood palings from a disintegrating boundary fence that were destined for waste. The outcome has included outdoor tables, bench seats and garden beds.
There is a satisfaction from working through a challenge with the materials you have at hand and by so doing realising the value of these materials as resources. If we extend this same benefit of being thoughtful of the resources we have at hand to the business environment we increase the potential to engage and energise the talent of staff which in turn can lead to amplified results.