Quotes and sayings

A collection of quotes, sayings and thoughts from various people. (note – I’ve tried my best to include the source of the quotes and sayings, and will keep trying for those without acknowledgements.) A few reflections from what my dog taught me: Ecstasy =...

Naracoorte World Heritage Area

A few photos from when i was facilitating training workshops at the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. A beautiful site that is well worth the visit if ever you are in that part of South Australia.   Naracoorte Caves National Park – a World Heritage site...

Master Series

This event was run in Sydney in May 2010 and repeated in Melbourne in June 2011. John is a member of the committee organising the national Masters event in Sydney in 2013. For details on the original Masters go to this link Masters Series. Background to the event is...

Masters Series – crafting inspirational presentations

Learn how to create and deliver inspirational presentations A unique opportunity to learn from master storytellers, performers, artists and songwriters the skills to engage and inspire your audience.  What is aim of the Masters Series presentation workshop: The aim of...