Clarifying perspectives

Clarifying perspectives

What we can learn from frogs I’ve spent many a night taking groups out on night walks in the Australian bush. One of the activities included on these walks were frog surveys, which always proved fun because frogs are such tricky little buggers in how well they...
How message helps with cut through

How message helps with cut through

I believe a key element that can drive the delivery of positive experiences for customers is for all service personnel to be clear on the message they are communicating through their contact points. The majority of advice around the delivery of customer experiences is...
Great Customer Experiences are a partnership

Great Customer Experiences are a partnership

What adds richness to our lives are partnerships. Wherever you look you’ll find a partnership. As examples; you need two hands to clap and contribute to raucous applause – sure you can bang pots and hit tables and throw in a few high shrill whistles but...

Customer service is not servancy

For this newsletter servancy refers to a practice where the business is a servant to the customer. It is the business practice of treating customers so value is delivered to the customer without consideration to the employees delivering that value. Whilst this might...